Tracking Club of Victoria
We like to reward our tracklayers who venture out into the wilderness to wait in the cold with nothing but a map and a fluffy pole bag and the scent of sardines and some chocolates to keep them company.
Each year we select one special tracklayer who has gone above and beyond in pursuit of tracklaying and present them with the Tracklayer of the Year trophy. This trophy is awarded annually at the Club’s Presentation Night.
Our Tracklayer of the Year award is hotly contested and each year the competition is fierce!
Points are awarded for successfully laid tracks. This means that the dog tracking you must successfully complete their track and receive a pass. After the track fill out a tracklayer form for that track and have the judge on the day sign it.
Forms must be sent to the Club Secretary.
Points are awarded as follows:
Test 1 (400m) 1point
Test 2/3 (800m) 2points
Test4/5 (1000m) 3points
Test 6 (1200m) 4points
Test 7/8 (1200m) 5points
TSD 1/2 6points
TSD3/4 7points
TSD5/6 8points
TSD7/8 points
TSD9/10 points
In the event of a tie the grading the dog recieved will add 4points for excellent, 3points for a very good, 2points for good and 1 point for a pass.
Eligable tracks are from the current calendar year only. A tracklayer cannot count traccks laid for the same person more than once in a 6month period. (It may be helpful to keep a log book of the tracks you have laid).To be eligable to apply for this trophy the tracklayer must be a financial member of the Club at the time of completing the track and at the time of the presentations.
The member winning the award will recieve a plaque to keep and the 'Tracklayer of the Year' trophy will be held by the club and engraved with the winners name.
Please complete the Tracklayer of the Year application and email to the
Tracklayer of the Year
2019 Adam Catton
2018 Adam Catton
2017 Adam Catton
2016 Adam Catton
2015 Adam Catton
2014 Adam Catton
2013 Rebecca Kearney
2012 Julie Short
2011 Julie Short
2010 Diane Cameron
2009 -
2008 Faye Wilson
2007 Faye Wilson